Home Service Corps Sew Happy Service Corps – G24070412

Sew Happy Service Corps – G24070412

Jul 21 – 27 2024
Our online booking system is down. Please call 505.685.4881 or 505.685.1019 to register for this workshop. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Enjoy learning, giggles and laughter along with the satisfaction of giving from your heart and your hands. Share your time and talents in this sewing adventure where new friendships will be built and old ones renewed.  Let’s work together (25 hours) and sew for the Ranch. We will be making “Zabutans” and “Zafus”. Simply explained these are comfortable floor pillows most often used in Yoga.  We will be continuing our “Quilted Hearts” project and if time allows mending for students/staff/instructors and guests at the ranch. Our sewing projects will help to make Ghost Ranch even more beautiful.



  • Ronnie Ashford

    Rogene E. Ashford “Ronnie” from Tulsa, OK, has created “Art” since early childhood. At about eight years old, she got into trouble for creating a very large mural in charcoal on the side of the freshly painted stucco garage! She learned to do embroidery at an early age and remembers playing under the quilt frame while her mom, aunties and grandmother stitched and talked. She studied art through high school and college. Throughout her life, she has tried her hand at many art mediums; two mediums of her art have always been paint and thread. Ronnie is an award winning quilter and is active in several local quilt guilds. She has a small ministry of refurbishing older sewing machines and getting them to gals that would love to have a sewing machine, but cannot afford one. Ronnie currently works as a Mental Health Therapist and an Adjunct Professor at Southern Nazarene University. She enjoys family, friends, art, her chickens, gardening, handwork, music, painting, quilting, reading, walking/running and writing. Her philosophy in life is “Laugh Loudly, Live Fully, Love Deeply and Never Ever Go Backward!’’

