Home Art Printed, Stitched and Bound with Alanna Austin– G24090414

Printed, Stitched and Bound with Alanna Austin– G24090414

Sep 22 – 28 2024

In this week long workshop, students learn several techniques in printmaking along with the Coptic stitch in bookmaking to create one of a kind books. Participants will have time to fill handmade books with pieces of nature from outside through learning relief printmaking and monotype printmaking, using a small Speedball press. The mornings will be spent learning techniques in carving and constructing books for them to then have the rest of the day to ponder and prepare with nights to work on the material learned from the morning.



  • Alanna Austin
    Alanna Austin

    Alanna Austin is a printmaker and multimedia artist currently in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She graduated with her MFA at the University of Colorado in Printmaking. Austin is the founder of the Western Wilds Collective that acts as a conference for artists to come together on a digital platform once every other year to discuss work and innovative techniques. Alanna Austin is an Assistant Professor and head of printmaking at the Institute of American Indian Arts as well as the current co-editor of the Mid America Print Council journal.

    Austins work stems from research on expression of mind and memory united with color, pattern, and material from her Hispanic, Greek, and Turkish heritage. Through installations and printmaking, her work depicts elements of personal narrative tied to nostalgia, techniques passed on generationally, and generational trauma. Austin has been displayed internationally, with a most recent exhibition in Inverloch, Australia. Through the United States, Austins work has been showed and stored in collections with recent exhibitions in Florida, Texas, Washington and Ohio. Austins work is in archives spanning the United States such as Wichita Falls Museum of Art, the University of Idaho special collections, Matrix Press in Montana, the Bernard Zuckerman Museum of Art in Georgia, the University of Wyoming Special Collections and more.

