Home Painting & Drawing Practically Painting with O’Keeffe with Anna Koster – G24100303

Practically Painting with O’Keeffe with Anna Koster – G24100303

Oct 13 – 18 2024

Enjoy an unparalleled adventure in the landscape that inspired Georgia O’Keeffe as we walk in her footsteps — literally and figuratively. The instructor will explain the philosophy that guided O’Keeffe’s painting and lead you through steps that she used to “fill a space in a beautiful way.” We will focus on compositional elements of line, color, and shape as we try exercises like those that influenced O’Keeffe. Bring your favorite painting media and study with O’Keeffe’s weekend companion, who went on to make art, earn an MFA degree, and enjoy a long museum career.

All skill levels are welcome from beginners to accomplished painters who want a new perspective or special “O’Keeffe experience.” Anna encourages individuality and creativity. We will not be copying O’Keeffe’s art; the goal is to find your own creative center and make your own unique works utilizing O’Keeffe’s approach. We can anticipate a wealth of knowledge, ideas, and capabilities among workshop participants. Together we will foster a positive learning environment where all can explore.


  • Anna Koster
    Anna Koster

    Anna Koster has enjoyed a full life focused on art. In 1976, she had the opportunity to serve as Georgia O’Keeffe’s weekend companion. She went on to earn a Master of Fine Arts degree and teach at the Community College of Denver, San Jose Museum Art School, and other venues through the 1980s. At the same time, her career as an artist progressed with solo and group shows. Then she began working in art museums, completing a 35-year career in California, with the final 15 years at Stanford University’s Cantor Arts Center.

    She has been leading workshops at Ghost Ranch since 2014. In recent years, the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum (Santa Fe), Nevada Museum of Art (Reno), and the Palo Alto Art Center (California) have offered Anna’s classes. Her positive, affirming approach to teaching, combined with insights from O’Keeffe’s art and life have earned praise from participants: “uplifting,” “inspiring,” and “amazing.” See more at annakoster.com/testimonials.

    Anna’s own work includes super-realistic and trompe l’oeil (trick-the-eye) painting as well as drawing and conceptual art projects. Visit www.annakoster.com to view Anna’s art; her resume is at annakoster.com/resume.

