Adult Service Corps – G25010304
Our online booking system is down. Please call 505.685.4881 or 505.685.1019 to register for this workshop. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Adult Service Corps offers an opportunity to help Ghost Ranch with our labor and work, and it offers a wonderful time for camaraderie and fun. Service Corps members volunteer a total of 22 hours of work to the ranch in exchange for reduced room and board. We’ll have work that might require special skills, but we will also have work that anyone can do. Join us for an opportunity to have fun, do good work and enjoy winter at Ghost Ranch.
Art Myers
I was first introduced to Ghost Ranch back in 1984. I was not able to participate in the many activities of the Ranch until after I retired. I found Adult Service Corps was an excellent way to contribute to the Ranches’ well-being while enjoying the wonderful scenery and the amazing people that I met. My Mechanical Engineering degree and do-it-yourself mentality fit nicely with Service Corps needs. When I return home after a session with ASC, I do so with a feeling that the Ranch is a little better off than it was, and I have an heightened sense of accomplishment.
Martha Murchison
Martha is a retired Presbyterian minister who has been attending Ghost Ranch for almost 30 years. Many of those years have been spent as a participant and a leader for Adult Service Corps. She is an avid gardener and loves to have fun!